Sunday, March 31, 2013

Plural Cootie Catchers

As I have been reading some of the kiddos' writing, I've been noticing lots of spelling errors when it comes to the use of irregular plurals like "boxes", "ladies", and "lives". I can almost hear my students' voices already questioning me "Why can't we just slap an 's' on the end of a word to make it plural? Why is English so confusing?" lol So in effort to practice some of the irregular plurals in a fun way I will be introducing this Cootie Catcher as one of our Working with Words stations. I have a free PDF version of the Cootie Catcher posted on TPT. Let me know if you have other tricks you use to tackle this topic!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Being that it is Easter we were wanting to have an Easter Egg hunt or some fun activity, but we wanted to be able to justify it as educational so here is what we came up with. We had students design a colourful egg and on the egg they had to write a positive fortune or secret message on it in French.   Then the students hid their eggs all over their classroom. Once we were all finished we switched classrooms and began to search for eggs as the other grade 4 class found ours. The students loved finding their secret messages, as well as figuring out who had found theirs.
Here is one of our secret message eggs!


This week I just introduced Boggle as a new Working with Words station. The students loved it! I had students asking to take their pages home to work on it!?! I first saw the idea at 4thgradefrolics. The "giant cookie sheet" as my students call it is actually an oil drip pan. I purchased it from Walmart over the border (in the USA). . . for some reason in Canada I could only find plastic ones. At the end of the week I am having students submit their pages and on Monday when they arrive there will be the new "Top Scorer's" name will be on the board!

Monday, March 25, 2013


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