Saturday, August 24, 2013

How To Salvage Broken Clipboards

A year ago I bought a class set of clipboards for my class. I love the option of going outside to work or allowing students to work anywhere in the room so clipboards were perfect! Unfortunately the clipboards weren't very sturdy and the top clip didn't stand a chance against my students. I draw your attention to exhibit "A" below.
So this year instead of buying a new set of clipboards (which would likely end up like the ones above) I decided to salvage the broken ones. Here is what I did:
Step 1: Use a chisel and hammer to break off the remains of the old clip.
Step 2: Flip the board over and remove the left over metal. I just wedged the chisel under and popped it off, some did require a quick tap with the hammer.
Step 3: Buy and attach cut clips to hold paper. I used chip bag clips from the Dollarstore. :)
 Well that's all for now, I'm off to Pinterest to look for a way to pretty up my clipboards :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

More Than Name Plates!

I was perusing some nameplates the other day on Teacher Pay Teacher and I had a "light bulb" moment! Name plates can be more than just a name! Some include number lines others include the alphabet ... so what little extra could I include? Here is what I came up with...
I know what you're thinking "You came up with adding a picture of Yoshi?!?", but stay with me for a minute. These name plates are strategically colour coded! The 6 colours of patterns divides the class into groups of 5 and the Yoshis divides the class in half! Now I can quickly group the class without the hassle of numbering them off! I'm pretty excited to get them onto the desks and try them out. :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Group Bins!

Have you ever had trouble with markers, pencil crayons and scissors magically disappearing in your classroom? I am not sure how it happens, but my supplies always magically disappear (My classroom is like the Bermuda Triangle for school supplies)! So to try and curb the disappearing supplies I have decided to implement group bins. I have colour coded the bins and all their group supplies using fun and colourful duct tape! Then at the end of the week I plan on giving points to the groups who still have all of their supplies. If they do really well and nothing goes missing or ends up unclaimed on the floor than I plan to include bonus supplies like glitter glue, and scrap booking scissors. :) We'll see how it works out soon enough!

 Here is how the bins look so far... a little sparse because most my supplies are still at school, but you get the idea.
                                                I love the minions from Despicable Me!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Great Summer Read!

As of yesterday I finished reading my first ever e-book! Honestly, I was a bit apprehensive about reading an e-book at first because I enjoy everything about books. I love the texture of the pages, the smell of the book, the feeling of when you finally have more pages in your left hand than in your right hand. All that to say I was pleasantly surprised with my first e-book experience. This wonderfully written book "Connected From the Start: Global Learning in the Primary Grades" by Kathy Cassidy included hyperlinks that led to videos of her students, samples of their work and useful websites. What an interactive read! If you have any free time this summer I definitely recommend it. "Connected From the Start" has great ideas and tips to help you start getting your classroom "connected". I feel that I should give one disclaimer though . . . do not read this book if you are not ready to get back into "teacher mode. It is one of those inspiring reads that will get your mind racing with all the wonderful opportunities for learning you can include in your classroom. :)