Saturday, August 24, 2013

How To Salvage Broken Clipboards

A year ago I bought a class set of clipboards for my class. I love the option of going outside to work or allowing students to work anywhere in the room so clipboards were perfect! Unfortunately the clipboards weren't very sturdy and the top clip didn't stand a chance against my students. I draw your attention to exhibit "A" below.
So this year instead of buying a new set of clipboards (which would likely end up like the ones above) I decided to salvage the broken ones. Here is what I did:
Step 1: Use a chisel and hammer to break off the remains of the old clip.
Step 2: Flip the board over and remove the left over metal. I just wedged the chisel under and popped it off, some did require a quick tap with the hammer.
Step 3: Buy and attach cut clips to hold paper. I used chip bag clips from the Dollarstore. :)
 Well that's all for now, I'm off to Pinterest to look for a way to pretty up my clipboards :)

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